Workplace Bullying: No, It Didn’t Stop In High School – Black Enterprise

Workplace Bullying: No, It Didn’t Stop In High School

Beware Toxic Employess
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Two men arguing at work over the copier
(Image: Thinkstock)

Those bullies who were there through your teenage years may end up turning into the bullies in your work environment. But, how do you deal with aggressors? Is it similar to running to tell a teacher or principal? Well …. not if your boss is the culprit.

Workplace bullying is a problem that many people face as evidenced by the creation of the Workplace Bullying Institute. The Institute strives to prevent bullying in the workplace throughout the U.S. through the implementation of the Healthy Workplace Bill (HWB). If your state doesn’t have the HWB, Madame Noire highlights things that you can do on your own to deal with the problem:

If you find yourself a victim of workplace bullying, there are some first immediate steps you should take. “Document and isolate,” advises former Old School rapper turned sports agent and children’s author Glenn Toby, author of Lil G Faces the Brooklyn Bully. “This means contact a person in authority in or out of your organization to get assistance and consult them regarding the matter. Isolate means to identify each of the violations. Use eyewitnesses [and] recording devices (check local and regional laws). If there is a group of people offending you, breaking up the mob will help you in creating a strategy to identify who is lying or can help legal personnel or a law enforcement professional to better investigate and document the abuse.”

Read more at Madame Noire
