‘Women Veterans ROCK’ Launch Civic Leadership Institute

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On September 19, 2015, Women Veterans ROCK will launch the Inaugural Civic Education Leadership Series at Chestnut Hill College. “Our civic leadership education series is a unique compilation of civic education and engagement; business and community leadership; nonprofit management; advocacy and public policy designed for today’s military women to building public awareness about the policies and resources needed for women veterans and military families to sustain productive and fulfilling post-military lives,” said Deborah Harmon-Pugh, National Campaign Chair for Women Veterans ROCK.

BlackEnterprise.com caught up with Harmon-Pugh to learn more about the upcoming lecture series.

BlackEnterprise.com: Tell us about the purpose of the Inaugural Civic Education Leadership Series.

Harmon-Pugh: The Women Veterans Civic Leadership Institute is a civic leadership incubator uniquely designed to engage, educate, and empower today’s military women who are seeking targeted and effective ways to present their recommendations for change in legislation and/or public policies to improve the post-military lives of women veterans and military families.

The WVCLI presents a fall session of civic leadership training and education for December graduation. In spring of each year, graduates of the WVCLI participate as women veteran delegates at the Women Veterans ROCK Public Policy Day on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.

What problems are you solving for women veterans?

The Women Veterans ROCK Advocacy Campaign is a respected leader in its community-based campaign of engaging and empowering women veterans and military families. Like many other veteran service organizations, we are successfully connecting transitioning military

women to employment opportunities, housing resources, financial education programs and family health and wellness programs. Each year we serve and/or refer for service over 2,500 women veterans and military families to local resources and professional networks throughout our national affiliate network.

However, unlike other veteran service organizations, we are recognized as producing a unique, distinct and successful formula of attracting and engaging America’s growing population of women veterans. We are solving problems by creating a “real” paradigm shift in the post-military lives of today’s women veterans. Women Veterans ROCK stand at the forefront of cultivating the new and emerging new face of Civic Leaders in American. Military women are emerging as the new faces of Civic Leadership across America — one community at a time.

Women Veterans Civic Leadership Institute is a unique civic leadership incubator that is engaging, education, and empowering today’s military women to become the newest and perhaps most powerful delegation of military women seeking to systemically solve problems at the very core of America’s public policy system — and that’s on Capitol Hill.

How can our readers support your organization?

We encourage readers to support America’s military women by joining the “Women Veterans 2020 Delegation to Washington, D.C.” Readers can easily “Join The Campaign and Join The Community!” at www.WomenVetsRock.org. Military women; military families; college students and student veterans; business owners; sororities; community, faith and professional groups across American can join the “Women Veterans ROCK! Advocacy Campaign.” The public is welcome to join us as local delegates, virtual delegates and live delegates for America’s Women Veterans on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. successfully connecting transitioning military women to employment opportunities.

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