Women of Power: How to Make a Vision Board

(Image: Nichols)

Vision Boards are a powerful way to manifest dreams and goals in life. So the perfect person to head up a session on building a Vision Board is Motivational Speaker Lisa Nichols. The CEO of Motivating the Masses instructed a panel at Black Enterprise’s 10th Annual Women of Power Summit, hosted by State Farm; on how to manifest dreams through the power of images. During the one hour session, Nichols guided attendees through the process of creative visualization. “You are in this room for a reason,” she said. “You are in this season for a reason.”

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Sitting at table filled with poster boards and magazines, attendees listened as Nichols guided them through a projection breaking down posters into four quadrants of Spiritual & Emotional Health, Finance & Wealth, Health & Wellness, and Relationships. Speaking on money she said,” “Financial wealth is what you want to do to change the conversation about money in your community. Finance is about what fiscal legacy you want to leave. How much money do you want

to make? Savings? Family fun money? This is not wishful thinking. You make sure whatever you put down, you’re ready to go after,” she said, after sharing stories of growing up in a household where money was tight. She spoke of not purchasing a high school ring or pictures because of her family’s financial language. “I never told my son we can’t afford that. I say, ‘That’s not a financial priority.'”

Introducing her team, she even shared their vision boards wishing for money and career goals before setting a timer for

women to begin their boards. “I see content,” she said walking the room, watching and praising women scrambling to begin making their boards. “You’ve got to start with that.”

Urging women to create their vision boards with a 12 and 14 month goals, along with 3-5 year dreams, she shared her own vision board – one for success in her business – and a very specific one that manifested love in her life. “Sometimes we can sabotage a good thing,” she said about the new romance she now has in her life, which she credit to her vision board.  “He already said, ‘Yes’ to you. So why don’t you stop letting your chatter interrupt him.”

In the end, in pure empowering Nichols fashion, she motivated the masses of the room by saying, “I hope I gave you something to turn around and give to something else. Because all the blessings you receive only belong to you for a minute. We are a symphony and your job is to play your tune. You are not a flute, you are a trumpet. And your job is to not minimize the sound. And we need you to play big, so your brightness will help lighten my path,” she said. “So I  didn’t invest this hour in you for you to look anything like you looked yesterday. I want to bring forth the 2020 version of you.”

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