Women of Power: Build Your Team, Build Your Dream – Black Enterprise

Women of Power: Build Your Team, Build Your Dream

Having a solid, functional, and balanced team in the workplace is not only a requirement in order to reap overall success in business, but it is also critical to your success as an entrepreneur or manager.

[Related: Women of Power: What Mask Are You Wearing?]

Building a team takes a certain set of skills including the understanding of people, the ability to manage people, and the ability to motivate. There must be clear goals, set expectations, and exceptional communication across the board to ensure that your team is effective, high performing, and chasing the dream.

Here are a few tips for managing a solid team:

  1. Make sure goals for your business, department, organization or project are set, clear, and understood by all.
  2. Know your team. Assess strengths and weaknesses of team members and try to find a working balance to counter any shortfalls.
  3. Communicate often. Make sure you’re precise and that all team members remain on the same page at all times.
  4. Trust your team.  You’ve selected them for a reason: After roles and responsibilities are defined, allow for the space, support, and encouragement for goals to be met.
  5. Offer and allow for feedback. The constant exchange of progress and ideas can aid in both creativity and productivity.

Senior Vice President of Programming Talent Development and Inclusion at NBC Entertainment and Universal Television Studios, Karen Horne, sits with Black Enterprise Executive Managing Editor Alisa Gumbs at the 2016 Women of Power Summit to address how you can build the trust, confidence, and respect that will make your team unbreakable. Register now at a discounted rate to secure your spot in the Inspiring the Troops: Building a Team that Will Go to Battle for You executive leadership session at the Women of Power Summit, March 9-12, Hilton Diplomat Resort & Spa, Hollywood, Florida.

For a limited time only, use code Holiday16 to register for a special discounted holiday registration rate.

Be sure to follow Black Enterprise on social media @BlackEnterprise for Women of Power news, highlights, and updates. Use hashtag #BEWPS to stay in the loop. Please be on the lookout at BlackEnterprise.com as speakers, activities, and sessions are announced.
