Women of Power: Vie Wilson Shares How African American Women Can Find Success in the Real Estate Industry – Page 2 – Black Enterprise
Career Women

Women of Power: Vie Wilson Shares How African American Women Can Find Success in the Real Estate Industry

Corcoran Real Estate's Vie Wilson (Image: Corcoran Group)

BE: How has the industry changed over the years?

VW: Like New York City itself, it is constantly changing; that is one of the great things about real estate. Computers and mobile devices give agents and clients immediate access to property, information, and market data, which didn’t happen in the past.

BE: What are a few of your greatest successes in real estate? 

VW: The following are accolades I have been acknowledged for over the years:

  • NRT ‘s Top 1000 Sales Associates ranking, among 45,000 sales associates in the country
  • Harlem Broker of the Year
  • Salesperson of the Year
  • A member of the Multi Million Dollar Club

BE: As female in real estate, do you feel that women face certain things that men do not?

VW: Residential real estate agents in New York City have always been predominantly female, so the challenges and barricades many women faced while entering into other industries were not an issue for me. In fact, being female has been really positive for my career.

Corcoran’s CEOs have always been women, from the time it was founded in 1973. [This was] at a time when every other firm–almost all businesses–were headed by males. However, with sales reaching $21 billion last year, I think female leadership has proven to be quite successful for Corcoran–and it has for me, too.

BE: As an African American woman, what pointers would you give to another African American woman who is just entering the field or is already in it?

VW: Be prepared to work harder. Entering the field takes a lot of time, dedication, and commitment at the start and throughout your career. No matter how successful you get, you still have to put in the work. It’s the personal connection that will make all the difference in your real estate career; 98% of my clients are repeat clients or referrals. I connect with clients on a personal and business level.

Also, have integrity while working with anyone; this is a critical part of my success. The other part is to love what you do. If you love this business like I do, you will enjoy a successful career.

Vie Wilson Residential listing, 850 St. Nicholas Ave, Hamilton Heights, Manhattan Image: Corocran Group
Vie Wilson Residential listing Interior, 850 St. Nicholas Ave, Hamilton Heights, Manhattan Image: Corcoran Group
