Women Gone To Market – Page 2 – Black Enterprise

Women Gone To Market

individually, she concluded that the group’s risk tolerance was moderately aggressive. But the club’s investment strategy — putting most of its money in large-cap growth stocks — did not match its risk tolerance level. Salter suggested a mix of 2% low-grade bonds, 30% large-cap, 24% mid-cap, 20% small-cap, and 24% international stocks, the latter preferably within a managed fund.

Just Us Ladies is slowly implementing Salter’s recommendations. But Carter insists that starting the club wasn’t just about making money; the group wants to help bring financial awareness to the community, to women in particular. “We decided we were going to be in this for the long haul,” she says. So far, the club’s persistence and faith have paid off.


Company (Exchange: Symbol) Portfolio
Cendant (NYSE: CD) 19.36%
Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) 18.23
Public Service Enterprise Group (NYSE: PEG) 13.23
Viad (NYSE: VVI) 11.96
Pfizer (NYSE: PFE) 11.08
