Whitney Houston Decoded: The Diva’s Lasting Legacy – Black Enterprise

Whitney Houston Decoded: The Diva’s Lasting Legacy

On the cusp of the Grammy Awards, Whitney Houston was found dead in her Beverly Hills, California hotel room this past Saturday afternoon at the young age of 48. As the news spread throughout the corners of the globe, fans and peers alike gasped in disbelief as “one of the best vocalist to ever grace the earth” had left us. Houston’s voice was magical. She belted out flawless notes effortlessly. Throughout the history of music there has been no one quite like Houston, and there will never be another. A voice as sweet as honey, yet soulful to the core, only comes around once in a lifetime. More than a singer, Houston’s career evolved to include acting, modeling and business, which she excelled in all. Despite a rough patch in her life, the iconic singer was back on the track to success with her upcoming role in the remake of Sparkle. In remembrance of the music icon, BlackEnterprise.com Decodes Whitney Houston’s lasting impact. —Bené Viera
