What Break? Terry McMillan Takes to Twitter to Sound Off on Politics 

That didn’t last long.

Terry McMillan, the best-selling author of “Waiting To Exhale” and a prolific, opinionated tweeter , said she was taking a hiatus from Twitter to focus on completing her new book. But once the debates rolled around, she was right back to dashing off her opinions  in 140-character bursts.

“Ryan’s little memorized speech is so phoney. Figures now. But not when it comes to his plans that Martha asked about. Go potty, Ryan” – Terry McMillan (@MsTerryMcMillan) October 12, 2012


Stacey Dash would never have gotten on Pierce Morgan if she hadn’t announced she supported Mitt. She needs a job. – Terry McMillan (@MsTerryMcMillan) October 11, 2012

Stacey Dash would never have gotten on Pierce Morgan if she hadn’t announced she supported Mitt. She needs a job. – Terry McMillan (@MsTerryMcMillan) October 11, 2012

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