Protesters Interrupt NYC Subway Service Over Jordan Neely’s Death

(Photo: Alexi Rosenfeld/Getty Images)

Dangerous protests erupted over the weekend in New York City as dozens demanded justice in the death of Jordan Neely.

The New York Post reported several people were arrested after standing on the tracks and shutting down subway service Saturday between Lexington Avenue and East 63rd Street a little after 6 p.m., forcing an oncoming Q train to slam on the brakes at the mouth of the tunnel.

Causing a severe safety hazard, power had to temporarily be shut off in the Lenox Hill station. Protestors chanted “No justice, no peace!” and clashed with NYPD officers. According to NBC 4, police have released photos of six protestors they want to question.

Last week, Neely’s death made

headlines. He was placed in a chokehold by 24-year-old former Marine, Daniel Penny, for 15 minutes after he boarded a subway train and began hurling insults at passengers.

Richard Davey, head of New York City Transit, described the protestors’ actions as “dangerous, reckless, and can be life-threatening.”

“While peaceful protest has always been part of American fabric, endangering

transit workers and other responders, while also delaying New Yorkers just trying to get where they need to go, by deliberately risking contact with an electrified third rail, is unacceptable,” Davey said.
Protesters hold “Jordan Neely” signs at the Broadway/Lafayette Street subway station during a “Justice for Jordan Neely” Saturday in New York City. (Photo: Alexi Rosenfeld/Getty Images)

Several subway riders were frustrated and begged officers to control the situation and remove the demonstrators.

In the midst of protests, legal representatives for Penny released a statement issuing “condolences to those close to Mr. Neely,” highlighting Neely’s documented history of mental illness and claiming Penny “never intended to harm Neely.”

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