Wendy’s Employee Who Punched Elderly Customer Charged With Murder After Man Dies – Black Enterprise

Wendy’s Employee Who Punched Elderly Customer Charged With Murder After Man Dies

(Image: Wendy's surveillance video)

An Arizona Wendy’s employee is charged with second-degree murder after he punched a customer for complaining about his order, and the man died, according to police, Newsweek reports

Antoine Kendrick, 35, worked at the restaurant in the 3000 block of Glassford Hill Road in Prescott Valley, Arizona. He left his station behind the service counter to confront a 67-year-old man on July 26 around 4:41 PM. As seen on surveillance video, Kendrick struck the customer in the head, which reportedly resulted in the man’s death, according to a police report.

“A customer complained about his food order, at which time, Wendy’s employee, Antoine Kendrick, came out from behind the service counter and struck the customer in the head. The customer fell to the floor, striking his head, and lost consciousness,” police said, Fox 10 Phoenix reports

Kendrick did not render any aid to his victim; instead, he gathered his belongings and casually strolled out of the store, according to the video, The New York Post reports

The customer was transported to the hospital by helicopter in critical condition and later died on Friday, August 5.

Police did not give any details on the cause of the disagreement before the punch, and there was no sound in the surveillance video. 

“Oh, wow that was a pretty hard hit — that was a Mike Tyson hit,” one customer said.

Kendrick initially faced charges of aggravated assault, but later the charges were increased to second-degree murder after the victim died, according to an ABC15 report.

A CCTV video shows the attack, which went viral on social media.

Wendy’s has not issued an official statement, and reps for the fast food chain have not responded to media requests for comments, according to The New York Post

