Webcam No-Show – Black Enterprise

Webcam No-Show

Q: I have a Logitech Webcam and I’m having trouble getting it to work after setting it up on my PC. I have a friend in California and I want to use my Webcam to talk to her. All connections are in place but it doesn’t seem to transmit. Do you have any suggestions as to how I can get my Webcam to work?
— B. Miller, Via the Internet

A: Video-chatting is one of the coolest ways to stay in touch with faraway friends. That is, when your Webcam is working!

Webcams have come a long way over the years in terms of picture quality, but some of them still have problems during installation. Since I don’t know the specific details of your problem, here are a couple of basic trouble-shooting suggestions that may help.

It’s possible that your Webcam is not using the right driver for your Windows operating system. A driver, also known as a device driver, is software that translates generic commands from programs that use the device. Some new Webcams may not have compatible drivers for older versions of Windows. This is a common problem. However, you should be able to find the drivers you need by going to the Webcam manufacturer’s Website.

In your case, go to and click on the site’s downloads link. There you can find drivers and software updates for your Webcam model. Another option is to call technical support and ask a technician to guide you through the installation process.
