Ways To Discover What’s Important – Black Enterprise

Ways To Discover What’s Important

21 Make time for yourself Making time for you is really, and I mean really, a lost art. When was the last time you sat in complete silence with your thoughts? Try this little exercise: take an hour or two out of your day and devote it only to you. Maybe that means reading a book, taking a walk, or spending time with friends. No matter what you decide, you should do something for you everyday. It may seem silly that someone has to tell you to make time for yourself, but if you’re feeling rundown and a bit out out of sorts, it may be more than tiredness. It could be that you are out of touch with your life. You might think that taking time out for yourself is selfish, but actually, it’ll give you more time for others because of its rejuvenating effects. This way, you’ll have more energy to give, not less. Remember this: You are no good to others–your husband, boss, children, or mother–if you are of no value to yourself. In other words, do you first.

22 Cultivate relationships There are numerous studies that say successful people spend the majority of their time networking or cultivating relationships while others spend only about a third of their time doing the same. Relationships, both personal and professional, are the cornerstone of your success because they will ultimately predict how far you get in life. Someone who takes time with others and gives instead of only taking will never have to worry about opportunities. That’s because whatever you give, you will receive that, and then some, in return. Look at it this way. The next time you meet someone at a conference, for example, don’t call that person on Monday asking for help on how to deal with a random problem. Instead, ask about his or her family or well-being. And whatever you do, be a person of your word. Integrity goes a long way toward building relationships, and people will remember you not by what you say, but by what you do. Now you’re on your way to cultivating great relationships.

23 Create goals and take action Whatever your goals–to go back to school, to change careers or to become a chef–write them down. I recently met a young man who said he wanted to become an entrepreneur when he left school. He’d thought about three businesses: a barber shop, a car wash, and “something” in finance. I told him that was fine to have these goals, but that he had to do one thing at a time, and once one business is successful, leverage that business’ capital to help start another. Why? Because if he doesn’t, he won’t have the focus he needs to finish goal one before he trips along trying to get the next one. Having goals are great, but once you figure out what they are, write an action plan to get you there. If it’s a business, for example, it means writing
