[WATCH] Miko Branch Talks Building Her Business From Scratch

(Image: Youtube)

Miko Branch, co-owner of Miss Jessie’s hair care line, recently stopped by #HerAgendaLive to talk how she created her booming business from scratch.

The monthly “tell all” business event, hosted by Her Agenda founder  Rhonesha Byng, provides a space where savvy female entrepreneurs, like Branch, come to share personal stories, and business related experiences.

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Branch took the floor and shed light on her new book, “Miss Jessie’s: Creating A Successful Business From Scratch—Naturally

,” which details how she and sister, Titi Branch, built an empire that grew from their kitchen table to a multimillion dollar natural hair staple, lining  shelves of Target.

Having recently lost her beloved sister in December 2014, Miko Branch shares with Byng how she’s been able to continue on in life and in business, and how she’s managed to keep her sister’s legacy and story alive.

“When Titi and I decided to write the book we decided we wanted to give real stores, true stories of what happened and what a partnership looks like—what it really means to go into business with your sibling,” said Branch to Byng. “So because she died that didn’t change what the intention was and I wanted to stay true to that intention.”

[Below: Watch to learn more about Miko Branch and her business journey]

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