Walking Away: How to Amicably Divorce Your Job

Quitting a job you hate is easy, but walking away from a job you love is down-right heartbreaking. Leaving a situation like that is similar to divorcing a spouse, and as such requires some time to grieve, heal properly and move on in a healthy way. I speak from experience. When I put in my notice to resign as managing editor of a popular lifestyle Website, I was sad, anxious and resolute. Chin up, dressed as cute as cute could be (just sayin’), I gave up a job I loved. It was time for me to leave, so I could pursue my personal writing and business goals. Sometimes, moving on is a necessary part of career and personal growth. The break up between you and your job can amicable but painful. Check out a few tips for divorcing your job while still maintaining your sanity. ---Demetria Irwin

Quitting a job you hate is easy, but walking away from a job you love is down-right heartbreaking. Leaving a situation like that is similar to divorcing a spouse, and as such requires some time to grieve, heal properly and move on in a healthy way. I speak from experience. When I put in my notice to resign as managing editor of a popular lifestyle Website, I was sad, anxious and resolute. Chin up, dressed as cute as cute could be (just sayin’), I gave up a job I loved. It was time for me to leave, so I could pursue my personal writing and business goals. Sometimes, moving on is a necessary part of career and personal growth. The break up between you and your job can amicable but painful. Check out a few tips for divorcing your job while still maintaining your sanity. ---Demetria Irwinmore
Cut digital ties: When you break up with someone, you need to unfriend on Facebook, unfollow on Twitter and stop compulsively visiting that person’s blog or Tumblr page. Same goes for work. You have to get out of the habit of daily interaction with your previous job. E-mails and calendar events connected to your phone must also be deleted. You don’t want that familiar “ping” reminder about a weekly staff meeting that you don’t attend anymore.more
Stop playing the role without the title/benefits: When you and your ex are dunzo, you already know the dangers of “hooking up” on occasion with no titles or commitments. You’re bound for failure, resentment and feeling some type of way. With work, you have to put the brakes on doing your job behind the scenes. When former co-workers call and e-mail asking for help with how you did your job, you must politely decline. That is no longer your responsibility.more
(Image: Thinkstock)
Throw out reminders of the old job: Toss (or recycle) those business cards, get rid of the piles of handwritten notes that you don’t need and by all means purge your computer of the drafts and documents that are part of that your former everyday life. At this point it’s just clutter. Take care to keep the useful bits though. Contact information for people you want to keep in touch with and documents that could be useful in your next career journey should remain in arm’s reach.more
(Image: File)
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