Uncover All Of Your Dog’s Allergies With This Home Test


Owning a pet comes with a lifetime of memorable moments for pet owners and their pets alike. Dogs have earned their rightful spots as members of our families. Sometimes, we spend more time around our favorite four-legged friend than actual members of our families.

Being a responsible pet owner is paramount to the well-being and development of our pets. Proper nutrition, exercise, and training go a long way in prolonging and enhancing their lives. Finding out just what triggers your pet’s allergies is just as important.

The Allergy Test My Pet Kit – for dogs only – allows you to find out just what triggers those allergies. For a limited time, you can purchase this kit for $69.99. That’s a savings of 35% from its MSRP ($107.99).

Pet allergies have left many pet owners with exorbitant vet bills. This easy-to-use allergy test kit discovers all

ass="amp-ad-wrapper amp_ad_1 ampforwp-incontent-custom-banner ampforwp-incontent-ad2"> of the things that lead to itchy skin, upset stomachs, and other irritants. It uncovers your dog’s unique intolerances and sensitivities for nearly 100 factors. You’ll also discover which foods to avoid in your pet’s diet along with common household and environmental factors affecting your pet’s well-being.

The kit ships to you with bubble wrap, paper, and a saliva collection device with a non-toxic buffer. Dogs shouldn’t be on any antihistamines, apoquel, or steroid-based medications for a minimum of one week and up to two weeks before taking your sample or it will affect the results.

Once your dog’s test is completed, you’ll receive a custom analysis of around 100 food and environmental items that your pet may have sensitivities to and a list of foods and household products you should avoid.

Five reviewers have rated this product 4.5 stars.“Lincoln was used as a test dog for the Allergy Test. We didn’t think he was allergic to anything. Turns out he reacts to yogurt and other dairy products. So good to know!” writes verified reviewer L. McMillon.

When it comes to the well-being of your pet, there’s no such thing as being too safe. Purchase this kit today and know exactly what triggers your dog’s allergies and how to prevent them from happening.

Prices subject to change.

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