UBR Morning Post: Going Green With Majora Carter – Black Enterprise
Entrepreneurship Lifestyle Women

UBR Morning Post: Going Green With Majora Carter

Majora Carter, founder of Sustainable South Bronx, joins The Roundtable.

This week on The Urban Business Roundtable, UBR Contributor Angelique Westerfield speaks with Majora Carter, founder of Sustainable South Bronx and the Majora Carter Group, organizations dedicated to creating green-economy jobs and establishing environmental health and sustainability in black communities. A recipient of the MacArthur “Genius” Fellowship, Carter’s accomplishments include creating a green-collar job training and placement center in New York City’s South Bronx. Check the following links to get more on Carter’s work as a community activist cum green industry leader:

VIDEO: See the Our World with Black Enterprise Slice of Life profile, “Marjora Carter, Urban Strategist”

Click here to read “Grabbing America By the Green Collar” for more on efforts to create green jobs in minority communities. You can also follow Carter on Twitter at http://twitter.com/majoracarter.

Continuing the green theme for entrepreneurs, UBR Executive Producer TaQuoya M. Kennedy speaks with Jennifer Kaplan, founder of Greenhance, a company that helps entrepreneurs and small businesses to create strategic sustainable green programs, demystify the going green process and opportunities in this burgeoning sector. Kaplan is also the author of the book Greening Your Small Business.


Also this week on The Urban Business Roundtable, I talk about the steps you should take before investing in a network marketing (also known as multilevel marketing or direct selling) business:

Investigate the company. Find out if it’s a member of an industry association, such as the Direct Selling Association or the Multi-Level Marketing International Association. Organizations like these hold their members to a strong code of ethics and not only prohibit illegal scams but also provide tips and advice on how to spot and avoid them.
