Tynicka Battle: Staying True to the Digital World – Black Enterprise

Tynicka Battle: Staying True to the Digital World

Tynicka Battle, ThinkTank Digital

Tynicka Battle, ThinkTank DigitalWhen we were youngsters and felt as if we could conquer the world, we dreamed, we fantasized, we set personal goals–even if they were unrealistic at the time, we still had them. As we got older, we still dreamed, but our goals became more realistic as we learned how the world actually operates.

So, how does a young lady with a B.A. in psychology from Rutgers University get to run a woman-owned boutique digital media agency in Manhattan? How does she become a savvy marketer for interactive campaigns for small startups as well as major companies like Pepsi, Sears/Kmart, Universal Music Group, and the Census Bureau? Didn’t she go to school to study matters of the mind?

Well, Tynicka Battle still uses her psychology degree, even as she specializes in social media analytics and strategy. After all, she still deals with people.

BlackEnterprise.com: What is ThinkTank Digital, what made you start the company, and what types of clients do you cater to?

ThinkTank Digital is a woman-owned digital marketing agency. We specialize in data analysis, digital advertising, social media strategy and awareness for our entertainment, consumer packaged goods, and government agency clients.

ThinkTank Digital

What drives you to do the type of work you do, and what are your expectations for the future?

We celebrated our eighth anniversary in January of this year. Working with a great team and clients who are not afraid to take risks is what keeps us going. Digital media best practices change every 4.76 seconds, but working with teams that are passionate about providing solutions for our clients made these years fly by. My expectation for the next five years is to grow our analysis and statistics work for government agencies. ThinkTank was recently SBA 8(a) and WOSB certified. That means that we can compete for government contracts set aside for small businesses like ours, expanding on the work we do for the Department of Health & Human Services and the U.S. Census Bureau.

How does a psychology major end up running a digital media agency? Do you utilize what you learned in school?

Absolutely–my psychology degree helps a lot. Honestly, I don’t think I realized that when I started in marketing back in 1998. Understanding why users do what they do across digital media, what compels them to engage or take action–is psychology. When you think of it that way, it’s that much easier to help drive conversions and analyze user data.

With all you’ve seen in your line of work, what do you feel is the next ‘thing’ as far as companies getting their message and/or product to the audience/consumers, if there is a thing?

Ooh, this is in writing so I gotta be careful 😉 We’ve already seen a move toward very content-heavy awareness. Users are increasingly savvy and discerning, they crave well-produced media in every form and won’t settle for less. There will soon be a new social media platform du jour, on demand content will evolve, wearable devices will evolve, but what will stay the same is truth. You stay true to your brand and say what people want to hear, the way they want to hear it and it won’t matter the medium. You win.

Do you have any business goals that haven’t been reached yet? If not, when do you think you’ll reach them? If you have already, will you set higher or other goals?

Umm, is it a goal to not worry so much? My goal is to do a lot less of that. Several times a year since we launched ThinkTank I worry about our goals and the next steps we’ve planned. Are we going in the right direction? When exactly will I be able to pay my house off? Well, I won’t know by worrying all the time. Just DO. Then assess and do again. Worry never helped anyone get anywhere. And one last thing. You interviewed me back in the ’90s and I joked about how I resented people who wished me a blessed day, that I’d rather they wished me a blessed life, or wished that I discovered a winning lottery ticket! I was being silly. In hindsight I was entirely too irreverent. Faith and grace got me here and have seen me through all of life’s ups and downs. So go ahead and wish me a blessed day. I don’t mind anymore. And thank you, Ced, for your continued support. Have a blessed day 😉

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