Two Women Say Officer Involved in Breonna Taylor Shooting Sexually Assaulted Them – Black Enterprise

Two Women Say Officer Involved in Breonna Taylor Shooting Sexually Assaulted Them

Breonna Taylor
Breonna Taylor (Image: Instagram/@keyanna.guifarro)

One of the police officers involved in Breonna Taylor’s shooting has been accused of being a “dirty cop” after two women say he sexually assaulted them.

According to People Magazine, officer Brett Hankison, currently on administrative leave as the Louisville Police Department investigates the shooting of Breonna Taylor, has been accused of sexual assault by two women on social media and the Louisville police are now investigating those claims.

A woman named Margo Borders wrote a post on Facebook June 4 describing a night when Hankison drove her home from a bar and sexually assaulted her in her home.

“It took me months to process what had happened and to realize that it wasn’t my fault and I didn’t ask for that to happen by allowing him to give me a ride home,” Borders wrote. “I never reported him out of fear of retaliation. I had no proof of what happened and he had the upper hand because he was a police officer.”

A second woman, Emily Terry, posted a picture of Hankison saying he offered her a ride home last fall when he “began making sexual advances towards me; rubbing my thigh, kissing my forehead, and calling me baby,” Terry wrote. “As soon as he pulled up to my apartment building, I got out of the car and ran to the back. My friend reported this the next day, and of course, nothing came from it.”

When asked by People whether a complaint had been filed against Hankison, a Louisville police department spokesperson only said they are looking into the allegations.

Last fall, Hankison was at the center of a federal lawsuit filed by Kendrick Wilson, who said Hankison arrested him three times since 2016 and has a vendetta against him stemming from a relationship he had with a woman they both dated.

The killings of Taylor and George Floyd have ignited protests across the country and abroad calling for the end of police brutality.
