Tribal Marketing: How to Make Sure Your Business Reaches Its Target Audience – Black Enterprise

Tribal Marketing: How to Make Sure Your Business Reaches Its Target Audience

(Image: File)
three babies playing on bed
Customers aren't like a room full of crying babies. Each group has specific needs and interests. (Image: Thinkstock)

If you enter a roomful of crying but healthy babies, chances are they all share at least one of the same needs: food, sleep, a diaper, or some undivided attention from a loving adult. As they grow into early childhood, they will hit the same developmental benchmarks at roughly the same time, and they’ll still want and need lot of the same basics (snacks, naps, potty, hugs), though they are beginning to assert their distinct personalities. Even before preschool, the differences start to emerge. This kid loves soccer, that one only wears sandals, this kid cares about animals, this one is afraid of animals, and this kid collects menus. And so it goes as they grow, with each young soul becoming his or her own person.

Any parent or teacher will tell you that, although they may have similarities, all children are different. Yet we consistently make the mistake of behaving as if they all want and need the same things. While this is obviously practical and necessary on many levels, children become even less alike as they grow into their tween and teenage years–and we still often act as if they’re all cut from the same cloth. This true paradox is that tweens, especially, are bursting out of their early childhood selves, trying to figure out where they fit in, and they’re both attracted to and afraid of the idea of more independence. They want to be “like the other kids,” but they have already formed a distinct set of likes and dislikes. They face a substantial challenge in striking a balance between being like their peers and flexing their one-of-a-kind personalities.

Marketers–and society in general–have typically categorized people by their age. You might read something like, “Adult males between the ages of 35 and 45 are more likely to have a Facebook account than adult males between the ages of . . .” or “New Yorkers between the ages of 15 and 18 are using the subway at alarming rates.” Classifying people by age makes it easy to survey them and is often appropriate. However, in an era of growing individualism and the use of technological profiles to display individual characteristics, it’s important to see past the demographic boundaries and begin to define people based on their cultural attributes–instead of focusing first on numbers.

While we may be inclined to think of them as “ages 9 to 12,” the 12-year-old may be making the same choices as a 15-year- old, and the 9-year-old may be an early adopter of certain trends, regardless of his or her age. It’s not about how we view them; it’s about how they define themselves–and how the lines often blur between the tween and teenage groups. With that in mind, I’ve developed a new system for looking at teens and tweens by separating them into four tribes: the wired Techie; the conformist but somewhat paradoxical Preppy; the always-mellow Alternative; and the cutting-edge Independent. We’ll have look at each of these in further detail, but first, it’s important to explain why we need to look at Millennials in this way.

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