Travel Etiquette: DOs and DON’Ts for International Business Travel – Black Enterprise

Travel Etiquette: DOs and DON’Ts for International Business Travel

(Image: Thinkstock)

No two destinations are the same. When traveling overseas, the success of your trip will greatly depend on how well you understand and adapt to the local culture. Although it’s a common practice to have business dinners in the US, in China, you don’t discuss business during meals, unless your host initiates it.

Even the most seasoned business traveler can use a little refresher course on the customs, and traditions from different countries around the world. WD Storage covers the dos and don’ts for business travelers in countries from Argentina to Germany to South Africa.

[Below: Take a look at the travel infogrpahic]

International Business Etiquette – An infographic by the team at Whitefields Document Storage
