Toyota Donates $50,000 to HBCUs in Honor of Dr. King’s Legacy

Image: Toyota Financial Services

In honor of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s legacy, Toyota Financial Services (TFS) announced their donation of $50,000 to five Historically Black Colleges & Universities (HBCUs).

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Recognized for its commitment to diversity and inclusion, TFS has been named as a DiversityInc Top 50 company and has been spotlighted for its diversity efforts by Black Enterprise, Hispanic Business and the Human Rights Campaign. It’s latest donation of $10,000 each to Bowie

State University, Delaware State University, Howard University, Morehouse College and Morgan State University is proof that they are also dedicated to improving educational opportunities for minority students.

“While at Morehouse, Dr. King observed that ‘Education must enable a man to become more efficient, to achieve with increasing facility the legitimate goals of life,'” said TFS President and CEO Mike Groff in a statement. “To help further the principles he so effectively championed, and in keeping with TFS’ deeply rooted commitment to diversity and inclusion, TFS is honored to support the mission of HBCUs and the dreams they help make possible.”

For more information about TFC’s support for academic improvement and other community initiatives visit www.tfsinthecommunity.com.

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