Toyota Awards $75,000 Scholarships To Black Engineering and Business Students – Page 2 – Black Enterprise

Toyota Awards $75,000 Scholarships To Black Engineering and Business Students

(Image: File)
(Image: File)

The 10 student scholarship recipients are:

  1. Marielle Cameron from Chicago is a business marketing major at Florida A&M University (FAMU). She has always desired to attend FAMU since the sixth grade; she currently has a 3.8 GPA.
  2. Jasmine Cooper was born and raised in Raleigh, North Carolina, and attends the University of North Carolina at Wilmington as an industrial engineering student with a 3.6 GPA. Jasmine is pursuing the industrial engineering path because it is business-focused, and she is passionate about the study of ergonomics and all its encompassing human factors.
  3. Grace Fomani is a student at Tuskegee University, where she studies chemical engineering. Originally from Cameroon, Central Africa, Grace later moved to Fort Worth, Texas. Although not discounting medical school in the future, she feels called to be an engineer because she likes to create things.
  4. Elias Lee, born in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and raised in Montgomery, Alabama, was home-schooled from the 5th through 10th grades. Entering high school at the age of 14, he was at the top of his 11th grade class. Always building things since he was a child led him to study mechanical engineering at Auburn University in Montgomery.
  5. Jared Mitchell is from Norristown, Pennsylvania, and is a student at Morehouse College in Atlanta studying applied physics and engineering. He has a 3.97 GPA. Jared also conducted independent research at Princeton University. He has a natural love for science and wants to focus on sustainable infrastructure or renewable energy upon graduation.
  6. Kerrington Munson, a native of Orlando, Florida, is currently a business finance major at Morehouse College and wants to pursue a career in the field of wealth and asset management upon graduation. He is involved with many organizations and received a Youth Humanitarian honor by the Mayor of Orlando and a Presidential Ambassador honor for Morehouse College.
  7. Dalya Sanders, born and raised in Beaumont, Texas, attends Prairie View A&M University in Texas. She is a business student and is involved in several organizations. She has plans to expand her business knowledge by venturing into nonprofit community development upon graduation.
  8. Mekhi Seraile, born and raised in Atlanta, attends Xavier University of Louisiana and is pursuing mechanical engineering. He attributes his passion for airplanes to his grandmother who often took him to see airplanes take off and land during his youth. He is looking forward to studying aerospace mechanical engineering.
  9. Raven Smith from Virginia Beach, Virginia, attends Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia, where she studies chemical engineering and has a 4.0 GPA. She was double promoted during her primary schooling and graduated high school at age 16. Raven is involved in numerous organizations such as National Society of Collegiate Scholars and accredits her father for sparking her interest in science.
  10. Tina Watson, born and raised in Chicago, is now a 3.81 GPA student at Fisk University in Nashville, Tennessee, studying business administration management. She is a non-traditional student who overcame a challenging heath diagnosis which caused her to rethink her educational background. After graduation, she plans to work at a major corporation doing work in the area of higher education.
