3 Tips for Effective Content Marketing That Will Grow Your Business


Attracting potential customers to your small business via content marketing is essential in today’s noisy social media landscape. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram make it easy to connect with consumers, but your brand’s outreach efforts on those platforms can be decimated by algorithm shifts or changing business strategies. Building the future of your small business strictly on social media marketing is a strategy that is dangerous at best, and potentially fool-hardy if you’re hoping for long-term growth. Opting to attract customers to your small business via content marketing is not only fabulous for SEO (search engine optimization), it helps you prove your industry knowledge to business partners and customers at the same time.

If you’re a small business owner wanting to increase the effectiveness of your content marketing, following are a few essential tips you ought to bear in mind for maximum ROI (return on investment).

1. Distribution 

The single most effective way you can increase the potential of your content marketing is to develop a diverse content distribution strategy. It’s not enough to add fresh content marketing posts to your small business’

blog; you must have a plan in place to connect your content with consumers. Develop a strategic plan of action to distribute your small business’ blog posts via a variety of channels, including content syndication, RSS feeds, automated social sharing, and referral networks. The more effort you put into honing your content marketing distribution strategy, the faster you will see engagement rates with your content soar.

2. Audience Analysis

If you want content marketing to work for your small business, it is imperative you develop a deep understanding of your audience. Failing to understand the content preferences of your target customers can be disastrous — not only for engagement, but potentially pushing customers away at the same time. You need to understand the topics your target customers want to read about as well as the content formats they prefer. Just as developing a detailed distribution strategy is vital for content marketing success so too is a diverse audience analysis strategy.

3. Engagement Analytics

For content marketing to be effective for your small business, you must measure engagement on a frequent basis. Track everything from time-on-page

rates via Google Analytics to the shares your content receives on social networking sites. When you dig deep into your engagement analytics, not only will you uncover the topics your audience enjoys the most, you’ll also uncover subtopics and keywords you might have overlooked.

Bear in mind these tips for effective content marketing and there’s a good chance you can increase your small business’ ROI from your content outreach efforts. Growing your company via content marketing takes time and dedication, but the long-term rewards for your small business can be substantial.

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