TikTok Launches New Incubator Program For Black Creatives – Black Enterprise
Arts and Culture Technology

TikTok Launches New Incubator Program For Black Creatives

(Image: TikTok)

Social media platform TikTok is working to help Black creatives on the platform amplify their content. Previously, BLACK ENTERPRISE reported that the social media network had created a new initiative to help Black-owned businesses with Shopify. This week, the company announced that it will launch an incubator program called “TikTok for Black Creatives” beginning this month for users of the social media network.

The new incubator, launched in collaboration with MARCO, is designed with the intent to invest in the development of emerging Black creators and music artists utilizing the social platforms.

“We are thrilled to partner with TikTok to identify, uplift, and support Black creators,” said Stacey Walker King, chief brand officer of MACRO in a statement in a company blog post. “The Black creator community on TikTok is at the forefront of driving culture and sparking trends, and MACRO is proud to help amplify and showcase their immense talent.”

The three-month incubator program will select 100 emerging Black content creators and musicians to help them utilize the platform to advance in their careers. The program will offer resources including panels with successful Black entrepreneurs and educational events with TikTok executives.

“TikTok exists to create joy and inspiration, and that is made better because of our diverse community of creators,” the company said in the blog post.

“A huge part of that is thanks to our Black creators and artists, who have touched so many people across the country and around the world. Without them, TikTok would not be the vibrant and creative community we aspire to be. Black creators on TikTok have been a driving force for our community, from starting trends to fostering connections to introducing new ways to entertain and inspire others, and we’re committed to continuing to elevate and amplify their voices. ”

Creatives can apply to the program through January 27.
