This Kitchen Tune-Up Franchisee Is Living Her HGTV Dream While Building a Million-Dollar Business – Black Enterprise
Entrepreneurship Sisters Inc

This Kitchen Tune-Up Franchisee Is Living Her HGTV Dream While Building a Million-Dollar Business

Regina Crittenden, Kitchen Tune-Up
Regina Crittenden, Kitchen Tune-Up Franchise Owner - Spring, TX

As a certified franchise consultant, I typically steer clients away from choosing businesses based on the love of a particular food, brand, sport, or hobby, simply because people have a tendency to attach the idea of a successful business with something they are (or think they are) passionate about. Just because you’re passionate about something, doesn’t mean you will be successful at running a business around it. But passion and excitement combined with experience and dedication can be a winning formula.

Regina Crittenden is a self-proclaimed “HGTV geek” never thought she would own her own kitchen and bath remodeling business. She spent 12 years working in procurement for the U.S. Army, followed by a corporate role with ExxonMobil, also in procurement, in the supplier diversity department. That experience gave her the opportunity to work with a variety of local businesswomen in the Houston area. As a result, Crittenden gained a level of insight and confidence to make the decision to pursue owning her own business.

Getting Started

Based on her personality, Crittenden knew that the best route for her would be franchising. “I tend to be both cautious and conscientious, and while I’m willing to take risks, I prefer that they be calculated and proven,” she shares. In working with a franchise consultant who completed a business profile assessment for her, Crittenden was presented with a set of recommendations based on her experience, personality, goals, and interests. When she learned about Kitchen Tune-Up, she knew it was the perfect fit. And after attending Discovery Day she really appreciated how family oriented the team and company were and was highly impressed with their female president, Heidi Morrissey.

Goals and Purpose

Crittenden has a revenue goal of $1 million for 2020 and feels confident that she will meet and potentially exceed that goal. “Kitchen and bath remodeling in the Spring, Texas, area is in high demand,” she expresses. “We currently have one remodeling sales consultant working for us and two cabinet Installers. Our longer-term goal is to scale the business up and increase the number of territories we own.” But that’s not all. While the Kitchen Tune-Up franchise focuses mostly on residential remodels, Crittenden is exploring commercial remodel opportunities that have ongoing residual income opportunities.

Ultimately, Crittenden is working to build a legacy for her family by building wealth and providing new opportunities for advancement for team members. She was raised in a family where her parents insisted that going to college and getting a degree was the best path to stability. “I don’t want to condition my children into thinking there’s only one path to success. Business ownership is a great option and opportunity to achieve financial freedom.”

Crittenden’s advice for aspiring entrepreneurs is to believe in yourself and focus on positive energy by ignoring the naysayers. She shared these powerful words: “People give advice based on beliefs that limit them from pursuing their dreams and goals.” In other words, the advice you’re getting does not define who you are, so consider seeking advice from people that are successful in an area you would like to be successful in, as it will help you gain confidence.
