The Truth About Black Folks and Our Reputation in Business – Page 5 – Black Enterprise

The Truth About Black Folks and Our Reputation in Business

Late and unprepared: To be on time (which is to be early) and prepared you must create new habits.  Usually people who are late all the time and unprepared are trying to do too much.  Learn the word “no” and realize that every “yes” means “no” to something else.  When you say, “yes,” I’ll be at that meeting that means 30 minutes for the commute and 60 minutes for the meeting, i.e. an hour and a half less that you have to work on and prepare for something else.  Can you afford to do that?  Start managing your time like it is money because it is actually far more precious: Time is our only resource we can never replace.  Don’t waste it.

Regardless of the circumstances, there is no reason to run a sub-par business long-term.  Those operating in excellence should continue to do so and pass along wisdom to others.  For those who need help, it’s time to get honest, get tough and change the conversation because that’s the only way to change the reputation.

Felicia Joy is a nationally recognized entrepreneur who created $50 million in value for the various organizations and companies she served in corporate America before launching her business enterprise. She is the author of Hybrid Entrepreneurship: How the Middle Class Can Beat the Slow Economy, Earn Extra Income and Reclaim the American Dream and a regular contributor on CNN. Follow her @feliciajoy.
