‘The Onion’ Tweets Vulgar Comment about Quvenzhane Wallis

The Onion, a satirical news website, tweeted a degrading comment about 9-year-old Best Actress nominee Quvenzhane Wallis during the Oscars ceremony last night.

At 11:42 pm Sunday, the Onion tweeted: “Everyone else seems afraid to say it, but that Quvenzhané Wallis is kind of a c—, right?”

After several complaints ,

the tweet was taken down, but by 1 a.m. Monday, “dozens of tweets per second were being posted, virtually all of them expressing contempt, incredulity or
outrage,” according to USA Today.

It was supposed to be a joke, but most did not find such a comment about a 9-year-old girl funny. The Onion

has yet to apologize and many users are urging people to boycott the magazine and make calls to management in protest.
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