The Most Powerful African Americans In Corporate America – Page 13 – Black Enterprise

The Most Powerful African Americans In Corporate America

software company PeopleSoft Inc. Oracle completed the $10.3 billion merger, one of last year’s most publicized and hostile takeovers, with PeopleSoft accepting a $26.50-per-share buyout. Achieving such triumphs has enabled this digerati to emerge as a powerhouse within his organization and the industry. A member of Oracle’s board of directors, he’s responsible for the field operations of the bellwether tech giant. In fact, Oracle’s entire strategy revolves around information-helping governments and businesses become more effective at managing and securing data. Before joining Oracle as executive vice president in 2003, Phillips spent nine years with Morgan Stanley and rose to the position of managing director of enterprise and Internet software. In 1994, Phillips was ranked the No. 1 enterprise software industry analyst by Institutional Investor magazine and named one of BE’s Top 50 African Americans on Wall Street in 2002. Phillips holds a B.S. in computer science from
the U.S. Air Force Academy, an M.B.A. in finance from Hampton University, and a J.D. from New York University Law School. As a result of his experiences, his business and personal philosophies are intertwined: “Having a passion for what you do, being technically prepared all the time, and having a willingness to take risks are the kinds of things that I have always believed in-whether in business or as an officer in the Marine Corps.” -Carolyn M. Brown

Monte Ford, Sr. VP & CIO,, American Airlines AMR Corp., Age: 45, Ford was recruited in 2000 with orders to rebuild the information technology department for the $17.4 billion airline. The senior executive is responsible for information systems organization, all Internet activities, and operations research at the world’s largest carrier, with 3,900 daily flights. Central to American Airlines’ reinvention since 9-11, Ford’s department has an annual operating budget of $158 million through 2007. Prior to working for American Airlines, the Northeastern University graduate served as executive vice president and chief information officer for The Associates First Capital Corp. and as senior vice president of technology at Bank of Boston.

Emerson U. Fullwood, Corp. VP & Chief of Staff & Marketing, Xerox Corp., Age: 57, Fullwood was born in Supply, North Carolina, so perhaps it was fate that led him to the $15.7 billion Stamford, Connecticut-based supplier of office products. Named to his position in October 2004, Fullwood is responsible for directing sales of office products through resellers, agents, dealers, and other distribution channels. He was previously president of Xerox’s Worldwide Customer Services Group, president of Xerox’s Regional Operations (Latin America), and executive chief staff officer of Xerox Developing Markets Operations. Joining the copier manufacturer in 1972, Fullwood, who was featured on BE’s Top 50 Blacks in Corporate America, in 2000, has always focused on customer service. He says that “customer satisfaction is the bottom line for success.”

George Hamilton, President, Dow Automotive, Dow Chemical, Age: 49, Hamilton joined Dow in 1977 as a seller of plastics to the automotive industry and has held a variety of positions in sales, marketing, application development, and business operations. He is responsible
