The Executive Leadership Foundation Awards NCCU $350k for Youth Program – Black Enterprise

The Executive Leadership Foundation Awards NCCU $350k for Youth Program

The Executive Leadership Foundation Awards North Carolina Central University $350,000 for Summer Youth Business & Entrepreneurship Academy

The Executive Leadership Foundation Awards North Carolina Central University $350,000 for Summer Youth Business & Entrepreneurship Academy

The Executive Leadership Foundation (“ELF”) awarded North Carolina Central University (NCCU) a grant of $350,000 during its annual Recognition Gala on Thursday, October 24, 2013.

The grant was provided under ELF’s Community Impact Initiative, a national program aimed at closing the achievement gap among black middle and high school students. Previous grantees include INROADS, LEAD and A Better Chance.  Dr. Debra Saunders-White, NCCU chancellor, accepted the award which will support the university’s Summer Youth Business & Entrepreneurship Academy.

Through our Community Impact Initiative, we are making a strategic investment in the next generation of business leaders, providing more than $1 million in just three years to deserving grantees,” said Ronald C. Parker, president and CEO of The Executive Leadership Council and Foundation.  “We are pleased to expand our impact and reach by providing this grant toNorth Carolina Central University’s Summer Youth Business & Entrepreneurship Academy.”

The NCCU School of Business and ELF are aligned around the goal of preparing students for career success and global leadership. Under the Summer Youth Business & Entrepreneurship Academy, high school sophomores and juniors take part in a two-week, non-residential business and entrepreneurship immersion program.  Students participate in lectures, corporate visits, and a case competition, where they work in teams to prepare a business plan. A panel of judges from the business community evaluates the plan and awards a prize to the winning team.

“This generous gift from The Executive Leadership Foundation will enable NCCU to invest in training for the next generation of business leaders, entrepreneurs and scholars,” said Dr. Debra Saunders-White, NCCU chancellor. “We are thankful to the ELF for supporting our efforts to build a pipeline of skilled individuals for the workforce in North Carolina and our nation.”

The partnership with ELF will allow the NCCU Summer Youth Business & Entrepreneurship Academy to expand its outreach to include more students and provide additional services at no cost to the student.   The program began in 2012 with 16 and is expected to grow to 60 students in 2014 and double its enrollment in both 2015 and 2016.
