The Best Of Black Enterprise Is Yet To Come – Page 3 – Black Enterprise

The Best Of Black Enterprise Is Yet To Come

Your First Home Contest for a chance to win $10,000 toward the down payment on your new home.

If it sounds like I am excited about BE’s ability to help you to achieve your goals and aspirations in more ways than ever before, it’s because I am. Evidence of my unflinching and long-held belief that our greatest history lies ahead of us–as a company and as a people–is more apparent than ever. As we celebrate the 37th anniversary of the birth of the BLACK ENTERPRISE brand and mission, with all of the change our company has experienced and all of the change to come, one thing will always remain: Our absolute commitment to enriching, uplifting, empowering, and increasing the wealth and quality of life of all African Americans–today, tomorrow, and for generations to come.
