Tech Tools for Entrepreneurs – Black Enterprise

Tech Tools for Entrepreneurs

ENT_TechTools2As the Internet has become a fundamental resource for many small businesses, there are more tools available to give users on-demand access to virtualized resources that can help them operate on a smaller budget and appear more professional.

For example, virtual phone systems and cloud computing services, are two Web concepts that, like many others online, are less costly, accessible from unlimited locations, collaboration-friendly, and may be more reliable than physical phone systems or back-up servers.

However, less than 10% of small businesses have complete trust in cloud computing solutions, according to a survey conducted on customers of, a Website that provides on-demand file server back-up. Cloud computing typically allows users to access business services from a Web browser producing a shared pool of resources accessible from any location. Reluctance to use the technology could be the result of business owners’ inability to define how they would use such Web tools or how the tools could benefit their day to day operations.

Other virtualized Web technologies that small business owners can take advantage of include: paperless billing software, data back up, virtual phone systems, and data collaboration tools.
