Talking Points

First there were the Greatest and Silent generations. Then came baby boomers and Generation X. Now we have Millennials, or people born after 1980. They are more ethnically and racially diverse than older generations, less religious, and may be on track to become the most educated generation in U.S. history. That thirst for education is evident with data showing college enrollment of 18- to 24-year-olds is at an all-time high, according to the Pew Research Center."

First there were the Greatest and Silent generations. Then came baby boomers and Generation X. Now we have Millennials, or people born after 1980. They are more ethnically and racially diverse than older generations, less religious, and may be on track to become the most educated generation in U.S. history. That thirst for education is evident with data showing college enrollment of 18- to 24-year-olds is at an all-time high, according to the Pew Research Center."more
While all women experience the wealth gap with their male peers, the gap between single black women and white women is a chasm, according to Lifting As We Climb: Women of Color, Wealth, and America’s Future, a report by the Insight Center for Community Economic Development. Based on 2007 data, the most recent available, single black women have just a fraction of a penny for every dollar of wealth of single white women. (See related article.)"more
Minorities are overrepresented as new Internet users, suggesting that the digital divide is narrowing. A study by the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies found that 28% of blacks and 35% of Hispanics have been on the Net for one to five years, compared with 18% of whites. It also found that while blacks and Hispanics make up 10% and 11%, respectively, of all Internet users, they are 19% and 21% of those who have been logging on for less than a year."more
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