Pell Grants – Black Enterprise

Pell Grants


President Obama’s 2017 Budget Supports Increased Equity and Excellence
President Obama's fiscal year 2017 budget proposes key investments in education, teachers and other school leaders, and in expanding access to college....

President’s FY2017 Budget Addresses Student Debt, College Affordability and Completion
The budget also includes additional funds for certain groups of students who already receive Pell Grants. For those who can afford to go full time...

Could Year-Round Pell Grants Make a Comeback?
Currently, low-income students who attend college full-time and receive Pell Grants often run through the maximum annual grant amount within two semesters, leaving no Pell...

FAFSA Deadline Gets Moved Back

Robin White Goode
The Obama administration announces two important changes to the way familes submit the FAFSA: using prior tax information, and filing it as early as Oct....