Pastry Footwear – Black Enterprise

Pastry Footwear

Celebrity News Entrepreneurship Health and Wellness Sisters Inc

Vanessa Simmons Is Taking Self-Care To A Whole New Level With Wellness Brand, ‘U4IA’

Dontaira Terrell
The ever-changing landscape following the pandemic redefined the notion of self-care for the former ‘Project Runway’ judge, prompting her to take a deep dive into...

Preview B.E. Business Report: Pastry’s Vanessa & Angela Simmons
Vanessa and Angela Simmons, co-founders of the Pastry's urban fashion enterprise, are featured in the Entrepreneur of the Week segment on this week's edition of...
Arts and Culture Fashion & Beauty Lifestyle Women

The Power of Color: 9 Women Who Nail It Every Time

Tennille M. Robinson
Beauty industry entrepreneurs Ginger + Liz pair notable women with their colour counterpart...