National Center for Education Statistics – Black Enterprise

National Center for Education Statistics


95 Different Kinds of Diplomas

Robin White Goode
According to a new report released by the nonprofit Achieve, 95 different kinds of diplomas were awarded to graduating high school seniors in 2015. Some...

7 (Inexpensive) Ways to Prep Your Child for Kindergarten
Although most public schools serving children of color are underresourced, there are several ways parents can prepare their children to excel in school....

U.S. High School Graduation Rate Hits New Record High
The U.S. high school graduation rate has set a new record for the fourth year in a row. At 82% for 2013-2014, the country is...

How Many Pell Grant Recipients Are Actually Graduating?
The number of Pell grant recipients that graduate from college in six years is difficult to capture. Yet, taxpayers have spent $300 billion on the...