NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund – Black Enterprise

NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund


Race in College Admissions: LDF and MALDEF Respond to Fisher v. University of Texas Decision

Robin White Goode
Race in college admissions is on the docket at the Supreme Court--examining whether or not the use of race as one factor among many is...

Every Student Succeeds Act Becomes Law

Robin White Goode
The House and Senate have passed the Every Student Succeeds Act, and President Obama has already announced that he will sign the bill into law,...

NAACP Legal Defense Fund Urges Court to Count All People in State Redistricting
The NAACP Legal Defense Fund supports retaining current legislative processes and not redistricting schemes that threaten total legislative representation....

Black Students Expelled at a Higher Rate in 13 Southern States

Robin White Goode
An analysis shows black students expelled in 13 Southern states at rates higher than those of other students and sometimes higher than their representation....