House Speaker John Boehner – Black Enterprise

House Speaker John Boehner


We Must Tackle The African American Jobs Crisis

Derek T. Dingle
President Obama should take full credit for placing America on the path to recovery...

How Obama Plans To Win His Minimum Wage Campaign

Derek T. Dingle
In his weekly address, President Obama focused on his latest campaign: raising the minimum wage...

Obama Uses State of the Union to Reset Presidency

Derek T. Dingle
With a combination of determination and optimism, President Obama reset his presidency as he delivered his State of Union address to the nation...
News Politics

Washington Report: Government Stays Open For Business As Budget Debate Continues; Republicans Reveal 2012 Budget

Joyce Jones
Our insider's report on politics in the nation's capital...

Power Moves: GOP Vote to Cut $60 Billion Gives Obama His Next Big Test

Derek T. Dingle
At 4:39 a.m. Saturday morning, House Republicans passed a $1.2 trillion budget for the remainder of fiscal year 2011, approving $60 billion package in spending...

Washington Report: Dems and GOP Fight Over Funding; Black Farmers Still Seek Relief; SBA Helps with Refinancing

Derek T. Dingle
BLACK ENTERPRISE Washington Correspondent Joyce Jones reports on the latest news from the White House and Capitol Hill....

Why Democrats and Republicans Hate Obama’s New Budget

Joyce Jones
President Obama delivered his 2012 budget proposal to Congress this week, citing it will reduce the deficit by $1.1 trillion over the next decade. Two-thirds...