Emanuel Cleaver – Black Enterprise

Emanuel Cleaver


Obama’s Minority Report: Do Republican Presidents Cater to Small Businesses Better?

Raynard Jackson
When it comes to minority business, some question whether or not the Barack Obama administration has had their best interest in mind...
News Politics

December Jobs Report: Republican Chairman Says Obama Only Offers “Gimmicks”

Joyce Jones
The December 2011 Jobs Report American shows unemployment is in flux, showing signs of promise on some areas and more of the same in others...
News Politics

Washington Report: Obama Talks Tough on Deficit Reduction

Joyce Jones
For weeks Democratic lawmakers on Capitol Hill have expressed frustration about what they view as President Obama’s tendency to easily compromise with congressional Republicans during...
News Politics

Clock Ticking on Debt Limit; Small Business Lending Fund Progressing Slowly

Joyce Jones
Although President Barack Obama made it a priority to enter negotiations on the nation’s debt limit, the clock continues to tick for Capitol Hill lawmakers...
News Politics

Washington Report: CBC Votes Against Funding Gov’t, GOP Targets Foreclosure Relief

Joyce Jones
Plus a new push for welfare reform...

Washington Report: House Republicans Pass Healthcare Repeal

Joyce Jones
Democrats and Republicans spent most of Wednesday streaming on and off of the House floor to either commend or condemn the Affordable Care Act. When...