black women in fashion – Black Enterprise

black women in fashion

Career Fashion & Beauty

Deidre Jefferies Talks ‘Kingdom’, Shares Wealth with Fashion Designers

Essence Gant
Deidre Jefferies was born and raised in D.C. where she was inspired by the city’s spy culture. She infused that inspiration into her label ESPION...
Fashion & Beauty Lifestyle

HFR Conversations: Black Editors and Designers on Race and Fashion

Essence Gant concluded our New York Fashion week with “Harlem’s Fashion Row Conversation Series: Editorial Diversity Sponsored by Pandora Jewelry.” Danielle Prescod, editor for; Nicole Chapteau, accessories...
Fashion & Beauty Lifestyle

5 Black Celebrity Stylists You Should Know

Essence Gant
As with music and the latest lingo, fashion is one of popular culture’s many entities heavily influenced by black voices. We have risen to be some of the art form’s most...