black money matters – Black Enterprise

black money matters


The Investing Habits of Wealthy Black People

Stacey Tisdale
There is no intention to minimize the need for solutions to socioeconomic issues, but there's a lot ot learn from the habits of wealthy black...

Top 100 CEOs Have as Much in Retirement Assets as 41% of American Families

Stacey Tisdale
“The CEOs’ extraordinary nest eggs are not the result of extraordinary performance,” notes Scott Klinger, director of Revenue and Spending Policies at the Center for...

[WATCH] Millennials Resorting to Payday Loans to Help Make Ends Meet

Stacey Tisdale
“Millennials confront greater difficulties – including economic uncertainty, student debt – than those who came before them,” Price Waterhouse Coopers and George Washing University researchers...

Giving Tuesday: Blacks and Middle Class Are the Most Charitable

Stacey Tisdale
When it comes to who is 'digging deepest,' the Chronicle of Philanthropy, found that Americans struggling to make ends meet give a higher percentage of...

Comedian Agunda Okeyo Talks Laughter, Fear, Money, and Broadway

Stacey Tisdale
You don't have to love money, but you must respect money. Many people, in my opinion, make the mistake of either dismissing financial planning altogether,...