American Jobs Act – Black Enterprise

American Jobs Act


We Must Tackle The African American Jobs Crisis

Derek T. Dingle
President Obama should take full credit for placing America on the path to recovery...
News Politics

December Jobs Report: Republican Chairman Says Obama Only Offers “Gimmicks”

Joyce Jones
The December 2011 Jobs Report American shows unemployment is in flux, showing signs of promise on some areas and more of the same in others...

Obama Ends Iraq War But Battle Still Rages At Home

Derek T. Dingle
President Obama ended the Iraq War but the troubled economy and unemployment rate leaves veterans facing a new battle upon their return home...

Obama’s Occupy GOP Campaign

Derek T. Dingle
President Obama's engaged in fierce combat to advance his economic agenda while positioning himself for the 2012 campaign....

20/20 Vision Forum: Create Your Own Job and Reinvent Yourself

Derek T. Dingle
Our 20/20 Vision Forum: Job Creation and Career Opportunities in the Next Economy, one of a series of such events presented by BLACK ENTERPRISE in...
News Politics

Washington Report: Obama Talks Tough on Deficit Reduction

Joyce Jones
For weeks Democratic lawmakers on Capitol Hill have expressed frustration about what they view as President Obama’s tendency to easily compromise with congressional Republicans during...