Swinger’s Club

You may never be destined for green jacket distinction, but it is possible to bring star quality results to your golf game — regardless of your expertise. “There’s room for improvement at every level,” insists William E. Dixon III, PGA professional member and director of golf instruction for Nike in Ahwatukee, Arizona. “You are always learning.” Dixon offers several tips to take you to the next level:

Develop a pre-shot routine. “The average golfer doesn’t have one,” says Dixon. “Most players have a different routine each time. But it’s important to address the ball the same way with each shot: Take your grip, stand behind the ball, place the club head behind the ball, position your left foot, then your right foot. It’s the only way you’ll become consistent in your game.”

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Practice chipping and putting twice as much as you practice your irons and woods. “Everyone likes to see how long and hard they can hit, but if you

can’t get the ball into the hole, you’re at a disadvantage. That’s how the game is won. Putting and chipping are the most important parts of the golf game, but they are the most neglected.”

Get the best and get fitted. “You should have your specs fitted to your needs as a player by a professional outlet.” You can find assistance at Nike Golf Learning Center (www.nikegolflearning.com) or with a PGA professional. Here’s what you’ll find in Dixon’s bag. Driver: Titleist 975 FE, 9.5 degrees. 3 Woods: Calloway Steelhead 14 degree loft. Irons: 3 — sand wedge Ting I3. Wedge: 60-degree Cleveland Classic 588.

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