Summer Social

A gathering of colleagues and clients doesn’t have to be a painstaking task. Of course, there is the anxiety of execution, but following a few simple rules can reduce angst and make for an impressive event. The goal is to create an atmosphere that’s inviting and enjoyable, where guests feel comfortable eating, drinking, and socializing. Foods should be easy to ingest, drinks should be premium brands, settings should encourage easy mingling, and your theme should be warm and consistent throughout the event.

There are a range of variables to consider and a number of elements to put in place. BLACK ENTERPRISE consulted entertainment specialists Juan H. Montier III and Robert H. Bolton, who both believe thoughtful planning is the first step to a successful event. Montier, founder of the lifestyle company Montier Designs (www.chezmontier.com), attributes his successes in executing events to his training in architecture. Understanding proportion, style, scale and lighting, he says, “is critical to the three facets of entertaining: food, flora, and décor.” But it all begins with a theme.

A theme shapes the ambiance. Your theme should be distinctive from the front door to the powder room–and lighting is a significant component, says Montier, who has won awards for interior design and lighting and who has served as a chef and food stylist for parties for a variety of luminaries. “Establish three levels of lighting: indirect lighting using floor cans, mid-level lighting with lamps and candles so guests who are sitting get a sparkle, and highlights from above so your food presentation glistens.”

Island-themed socials offer “several execution possibilities. Decorative bowls of pomegranates, mangos, limes, and papayas provide stimulating aromas.” He also suggests filling corners with tall, plush palms; preparing sauces in coconut shells; and offering a steel-pan quartet.

A tapas theme “allows guests to sample food from around the world.” Try tapas such as doro wat from Ethiopia, curry shrimp from India, or beef bourguignonne from France. Build the décor with aqua, lime, and lemon-colored square clay plates; accessorize with tall, thick red, orange, and aqua candles in hurricane lamps and tan glazed clay pots; and serve drinks in thick glass tumblers.

A lean menu offers more. Serving small bites is a big trend in entertaining: Frenching grilled ribs, lamb chops, and chicken drumettes or using skewers

for a Wild West-themed barbecue. “Offer a flight of wine (tasting of three or four varieties), [likewise] with desserts. It lets people experience a full range of flavors and not feel guilty.”

Communal tables are another popular trend, but they have to be accessible. Don’t set them so that guests have to raise their leg to sit as with a bench. Smaller tables (30″ to 36″ wide) allow for a comfortable exchange of conversation. Larger tables tend to isolate those who are not actually sitting next to someone.

Your invite unveils. Your first contact with your guest and the introduction of your theme is through an invitation. Before deciding, event manager Bolton of R.H. Bolton Inc. (www.rhboltoninc.com) asks his invitation designer for three samples and then negotiates pricing. Bolton, who has produced events for the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, United Negro College Fund, and Morehouse College, believes invitations convey the mood of the event–through the use of color, typography, and paper finish–as does the venue. For an afternoon tea with a featured artist, Bolton might employ white linen tablecloths with a floral motif and lace overlays, then craft a layered invite of pearl white or ivory paper with a similar floral abstract pattern. The invitation would be creased into a gatefold with a script font. Bolton budgets $8 to $20 per invite and has them delivered four weeks to six weeks before the event with an RSVP deadline two weeks out. “If I haven’t heard from [an invitee], I call.” For more insight on invitations and paper varieties visit www.paperarts.com.

Small details count. Bolton says hosts often overlook several important details: timing what should be short speeches or greetings, identifying who will offer the blessing, and marking time for the

toast. “Never allow caterers to strike or dismantle stations while guests are still present,” says Bolton, emphasizing that even the close on a social should be planned. “Initiate the close by moving to your takeaway gift.” He says an autographed bestseller or limited edition print, music CD, and a bottle of exquisite wine are premium takeaways. Bolton likes to organize a group photo and sends each guest a print as a thank you.

Hire support staff for more than eight guests, suggests Montier. “As the host, you improve the experience by being present with your guests–especially if entertaining executives. Remember that you are doing this to enhance relationships.” For inspiration Montier suggests: Larousse Gastronomique: The World’s Greatest Culinary Encyclopedia by Larousse Librarie (Crown Publishing; $85), The New Low-Country Cooking by Marvin Woods (Morrow Cook Books; $27.50), and Event Planning Made Easy by Paulette Wolf and Jodi Wolf (McGraw-Hill; $24.95). There is also Small Bites, Big Nights (Clarkson Potter; $30) by executive chef Govind Armstrong

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