8 Signs of a Successful Entrepreneur – Black Enterprise

8 Signs of a Successful Entrepreneur

(Image: ThinkStock)

I’ve written several columns on what it takes to establish a successful business. But more important than the business is the entrepreneur who establishes it. So what are those must-have qualities of successful entrepreneurs? Read on and find out.

  • 1. You must have vision.

Most of the successful entrepreneurs I know have great vision. Ideas are great, but what’s the process to making them a reality? A clear vision is a must.

  • 2. Great communication skills.

Once you’ve established what you’re trying to do, the next logical step is putting the team together that will help you. You must be great at communicating that vision to the people who support you. There are many tools available to help you figure out how best to communicate with your team based on personality types and working styles.

  • 3. Keep and make deadline.

Entrepreneurs get things done–period. There are no excuses and deadlines always matter. If you say you’re going to do something by a certain date, just do it. True entrepreneurs don’t ever make excuses or let obstacles stand in their way.

  • 4. Understands that there are no little people.

Everyone matters. I live by that mantra. There are no little people. The “little person” today could be the client of tomorrow, and successful entrepreneurs understand that. You must treat everyone with the same kindness and respect.

  • 5. Rigorous, not ruthless.

Good to Great is one of my favorite books. One of the principles of great companies is that executives are rigorous but not ruthless. This means that if you know something’s not working, end it quickly. Don’t let projects or work relationships die a slow death. Graciously pick up and move on.

  • 6. Well-rounded.

Successful entrepreneurs have many varied interests. Twitter founder Jack Dorsey studied everything from horticulture to massage therapy. It’s important to be able to adapt in any situation, so don’t be afraid to live outside of your comfort zone.

  • 7. See through the noise.

There will always be setbacks. Successful entrepreneurs recognize these issues for what they are–small setbacks–and don’t allow them to become larger problems. I like to call it the ability to see through the noise. It’s so easy to get caught up in the noise of situations, but you have to figure out how to move ahead.

  • 8. Great connectors.

I love connecting people. It’s one of the best parts of my job. That’s something I share with many friends who are also entrepreneurs. Successful entrepreneurs connect others just because. It creates a great circle of giving, and that’s only an upside for you. Kindness is always returned.
