Submit Your Vote for the UnitedHealthcare Healthy Challenge

Take breaks from the computer to avoid eyesight blurriness or migraines. "Try the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 mins, look away about 20 feet in front of you for 20 seconds."

For the past 2 months, Black Enterprise and UnitedHealthcare have been promoting the Healthy Challenge Contest.  Readers were encouraged to submit their healthy workplace stories for a chance to win a grand prize of complimentary travel and registration to the 2013 Black Enterprise Entrepreneurs Conference
next May. Plus, the winning company will be featured in a UnitedHealthcare ad appearing in the November 2012 edition of Black Enterprise.

Companies were invited to tell us how they are creating or maintaining an environment of wellness in the workplace. Now is your chance to vote for your favorite workplace story.

Voting ends on August 15. Click on the link to see the finalists. http://www.uhctogether.com/BeHealthy/index.html

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