The 5 Sexiest Jobs in Science

Careers in science can be exciting, fulfilling, and lucrative.

Scientists are often portrayed as geeks, nerds and dorks. Adding to that depiction, the work they do can seem so far removed from everyday life that people wonder why it is even necessary for them or their children to study science in school and at college.

In fact, only a slight majority of the public (54%) believe that all students should have to take more math and science courses, and less than 1/3 of those polled felt that math and science classes offered to students not majoring in those fields are “very relevant” to life after graduation, according to a poll conducted by the American Council on Education in 2006.

To dispel those myths and to demonstrate how science plays a big part in our lives from day to day, Black Enterprise comprised a list of some of the sexiest jobs in science. While these careers won’t necessarily make a person more visually appealing, the salary, prestige and intrigue will surely stimulate your interest.

Career: Medical Technology

Example: Perfusionist — Not everyone is able or willing to go to medical or nursing school for almost a decade to become a doctor. But there are still many jobs available for those who want to work in a hospital setting. A perfusionist works as a member of the surgical team during open-heart and other cardiac surgeries. They set up and operate the heart-lung machine to monitor the patient’s blood circulation and keep the rest of the surgical team informed of any changes. These jobs are often overlooked but they are in high demand, meaning job security is one of the main advantages.
Industry: Healthcare
Salary: $75,715 to $108,147
How to prepare: Major in a solid biological science or nursing program during undergrad. Afterward, enroll in a two-year masters of science program at an accredited school.

Career: Material Science

Example: Cosmetic Chemist – When you apply your foundation, do you ever wonder how the ingredients interact with your skin? Have you ever marveled at the ability of certain creams to reduce wrinkles or thought about what causes mascara to lengthen your lashes? If so, chemistry just might be your calling.

Salary: $59,000 to $92,000
How to prepare: Obtain a bachelor’s degree in physical chemistry or organic chemistry. Mid-career professionals should demonstrate experience performing analytical chemistry in laboratories.

Ralph Gilles, vice president of Jeep & Truck Design at the Chrysler Group designed the Chrysler 300. (Source: Current.com)

Career: Industrial Engineering

Example: Automotive Engineer/Designer — Nothing excites people more than a hot car, but few people know that driving the design from concept to reality is someone’s job. Coming up with an idea for a new car seems easy, but having a knack for drawing and sketching isn’t enough for an automobile company to put you in charge of next year’s new models. Mathematics, physics and chemistry all go into making sure that a car concept is safe, realistic and aerodynamic when the rubber meets the road.
Industry: Automotive
Salary: $51,173 to $83, 516
How to prepare: Find a school that has a curriculum in car design. While a major in industrial or mechanical engineering will make you more competitive, make sure you also take design, graphics, and art classes with an emphasis in transportation.

Career: Biochemistry

Example: Sensory Scientist — It’s said that human pheromones arouse more than just your senses. But until you visit a country where deodorant isn’t necessarily the norm, you’re likely to take a sensory scientist’s job for granted. Whether they work in cosmetics or the food industry, sensory scientists make sure that what you smell, taste, see or touch falls in line with what you like and what you would expect. Perfumers, in particular, need to have a nose that works overtime. But more importantly, they need to be able to read a gas chromatography mass spectrometry report since scent is more science than smell.
Industry: Fragrance
Salary: $50,000 to $119, 330
How to prepare: Along with a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry, join a professional association like the International Fragrance Association to meet people working at fragrance houses and to become familiar with the newest standards and education opportunities in the industry. Degrees in microbiology or biomedical engineering are also helpful.

Career: Food Science

Example: Food Scientist — The human desire to eat is not only for our survival; it can be sensual as well. Yet whether you realize it or not, packaged food doesn’t magically appear in grocery stores. There is a whole lot that happens between the farm and your mouth. From processing, flavoring, nutrition evaluation, packaging, and storing, there are a series of steps that require the skilled and creative labor of chemists, microbiologists, engineers, and a number of other food scientists, who make sure your food is safe, healthy, and tasty.
Industry: Agriculture
Salary: $33,790 to $104,520
How to prepare: Enroll in a food science bachelor’s or master’s program. Core science classes will differ depending on the specialty (i.e., food engineering versus food microbiology). In fact, a straight chemistry, microbiology, or culinary degree could also suffice depending on the job. Join organizations like The Institute of Food Technologists and Research Chefs Association for extra-curricular education and career development.

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