Stacey Abrams’ Fair Fight Action Organization Loses Election Lawsuit – Black Enterprise
Legal Politics

Stacey Abrams’ Fair Fight Action Organization Loses Election Lawsuit

Stacey Abrams
Democratic Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams makes a concession speech to supporters at an election-night party on November 8, 2022 in Atlanta. (Photo: Jessica McGowan/Getty Images)

Stacey Abrams is looking at the “big payback” for her 2018 election lawsuit, alleging Georgia laws violated voting rights.

A judge ordered Abrams’ Fair Fight Action organization to reimburse the costs of defending the state in a lawsuit that challenged Georgia’s election laws, according to Fox 5.

On the organization’s website, the lawsuit claims there was an attempt to “hold Georgia accountable for an elections system that violates various rights of Georgia voters under federal law.”

Filed against Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperg, he came out victorious as U.S. District Judge Steve Jones ruled against FFA.

Fair Fight Action and others involved were ordered to repay the state over $231,000 in legal fees. Broken down, $192,628.85 of that is for case-related printed documents and the other $38,674.86 is for making copies to use in the case.

Attorney fees are the only thing that don’t need to be paid back.

Raffensperger made a statement saying he feels the payback should be in the millions.

“This is a win for taxpayers and voters who knew all along that Abrams’ voter suppression claims were false,” Raffensperger said.

Judge Jones also dismissed all allegations of the state’s voting laws being illegal or discriminatory. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported the challenge from the plaintiffs, claiming Georgia used an “exact match” voter registration policy, absentee ballot cancellation practices, and registration inaccuracies that brought up issues in both the 2018 and 2020 elections.

Jones also found Georgia’s election system didn’t violate any of the Voting Rights Act or the U.S. Constitution.

The four-year battle may be a loss for Abrams and her camp, but the former Democratic gubernatorial candidate doesn’t plan on stopping anytime soon.

While appearing on The Drew Barrymore Show this week, Abrams alluded to the fact that another run may happen again, but she’s not exactly sure when. “I will likely run again,” Abrams said.
