Stacey Abrams Becomes Co-Chair of Black Voices for Black Justice Fund – Black Enterprise

Stacey Abrams Becomes Co-Chair of Black Voices for Black Justice Fund

Stacey Abrams
(Image: Twitter)

Stacey Abrams is helping to lead the charge to amplify the voices of Black people in the fight for racial justice.

Black Voices for Black Justice Fund (BVBJ) has announced that Abrams, the voting rights champion, politician, and author, has joined its leadership team. Abrams replaces Kristen Clarke, who was nominated by President Joe Biden to serve as Assistant Attorney General, leading the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice.

“I am honored to join BVBJ because it is leading by example. Unlike most philanthropic giving for racial justice, the Black Voices for Black Justice Fund puts Black leaders in the driver’s seat–with Black activists on the ground who understand how racism plays out in their community defining both the problem and the solutions. I’m excited to throw myself into BVBJ because I believe we will make more progress in advancing racial justice as a country if more of the philanthropic community would embrace this novel approach,” Abrams said in a written statement.

Black Voices for Black Justice Fund is an initiative that supports Black leaders on the front lines of the movement to build a fair, equitable, and anti-racist America. Since the fund’s 2020 launch, 50 Black leaders across the country have received BVBJ financial awards to make a difference for racial justice.

