St riving For More – Page 2 – Black Enterprise

St riving For More

to becoming successful. Get up and keep going,” he says. Jordon’s insight into Moore’s upward climb offers motivation for us all:

  1. Demand more from yourself. “Sometimes, the best way to overcome life’s challenges is to be tougher on yourself,” admonishes Jordon. Moore pushed herself to stick with her educational goals and earned her college degree at the age of 27 despite the extra time and effort it took.
  2. Think big. Moore didn’t allow her political underdog status to stop her from throwing her hat into the campaign ring. “Ban excuses from your vocabulary,” says Jordon.
  3. Give back. Before she became her state’s first black congressperson, Moore understood the importance of investing in her community. She spearheaded the development of the Cream City Community Development Credit Union, which helped her lend a helping hand to those who came after her.



