Spread The Word – Black Enterprise

Spread The Word

Q: I have a cosmetics store located in Cincinnati, in the largest mall in the tri-state area. The store has been open for a month now and business has been rather slow. What would be your suggestion or advice on how to get the word out that my store is here and trying to survive?
— T. Stanford, Via the Internet

A: If you want to spread the word about your cosmetics store you must promote it! Before you decide on the best promotional strategy to attract customers, you need to conduct thorough research, keep your customer in mind, and be creative.

The Small Business Administration Office of Women’s Business Ownership has a Website that offers plenty of helpful marketing advice. Go to www.onlinewbc.gov/docs/market/ and read about a wide variety of marketing, public relations, and advertising topics.

Ask your patrons what drew them to your store. Keep track of what they purchased and how much money they spend. Think of creative and inexpensive ways to promote your business. Take a “creative journey” to other retail shops located inside the mall to observe and ask them about what effective marketing techniques they use. Get a marketing intern from a local college to take you on as a client.

The reward will be the crowd of customers who come when they hear that your store is open for business.
